Events & Photos


Stop by the library foyer to see our latest exhibit:

Dripping with Color: The Art of the Fruit Crate Label



Stop by and check out our December library display! Its all about Diners! This month we have highlighted materials from the JWU library collection including books, DVDs and menus.



 The October display in the library is focused around the recent JWU Career Conference event which took place at the Westin Diplomat Hotel. The display consists of brochures, backgrounds, and employment information from the companies that were in attendance at the conference. Also displayed are career pathfinders and a database tutorial for finding comprehensive company information. Come take a look!






Our next exhibition, “Diners,” is now on display at Johnson & Wales North Miami Campus Library! 

The “Diners” exhibition chronicles the ubiquitous American highway staple from its humble beginnings to its modern day nostalgic manifestation.  Diners reflect the wide spectrum of American culture; while having a certain degree of similarity among them, diners drastically vary in cuisine and character from region to region.  Beginning in New England in the late 19th Century known as lunch wagons, diners quickly developed as an American icon.  Diners were, in fact, so popular during the 50’s and 60’s that a slang known as “diner lingo” developed among Americans.  You can still hear the remnants of the epoch in the phrases “eighty-sixed” or “in the weeds.”     

The exhibit includes artifacts such as a retro french-fry cutter and milkshake mixer, diner china, a menu from 1960, and hand painted advertisements (called showcards) among others.

“Diners” will be on view at the JWU North Miami Campus Library throughout the current academic year.





“On Safari” is the very first exhibit on display at the Johnson & Wales North Miami Campus Library.

The exhibition features a chronology of the Safari , a series of photographs from the 1920’s and 30’s taken by Ira H. Morse, and the story of Osa and Martin Johnson’s adventures in Kenya while filming a wildlife documentary.

On display are wooden vessels, pots, and bowls made by Kenya’s Turkana people. The collection also includes a wild game-themed  selection of old and new menus and cookbooks. 

“On Safari” will be on view at the JWU North Miami Campus Library throughout the current academic year.

Don’t miss seeing this beautiful exhibition at JWU North Miami Campus!



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