Librarian’s Pick: Web 2.0, The Business Model

September 13, 2009

The book Web 2.0: The Business Model is an edited collection of works discussing the implications and applications offered by the Internet’s second generation of services.  The editors are: Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras, President and founder of Open Research Society; Professor Ernesto Damiani, Department of Information Technology, University of Milan; and Professor Patricia Ordonez De Pablos, Department of Business Administration and Accountability, University of Oviedo, Spain. The research contained in this book focuses on discussing the state of the art of Web 2.0, analyzing successful cases of Web 2.0 with a business model perspective, and understanding the potential of Web 2.0 for business in different domains.

Various chapters refer to knowledge sharing, marketing free services, social networks, knowledge management, wikis, learning support, open tagging, Enterprise 2.0, and strategies in learning and teaching,

The volume is designed for managers and executives, students in management and IT/CS programs, politicians, government officers and policy makers, and professors in academia. 

Along with the scholarly studies, the editors encourage the reader to be aware of “the 2nd Athens World Summit on the Knowledge Society” being held September 16-19, 2009.  The conference brings together stakeholders of the Knowledge Society development worldwide “to look at the impact and prospects of the Information Technology, and the knowledge-based era it is creating, on key facets of living, working, learning, innovating and collaborating in today’s hyper-complex world.”